Veteran Database: Nationwide (US) ยป Military Members and Their Families (Retired and Active Duty)

26,144,971 qualified lead prospects ready for download

Military Lists

Lead Prospects

One per individual 25,426,703
One per address 24,589,895
One per household 25,334,219
All 26,144,971

Available Phones

Landline present 3,083,675
Wireless present 9,720,357
Landline or wireless present 12,804,032


Email present 6,589,543



Alabama 340,582
Alaska 56,778
Arizona 763,019
Arkansas 215,009
Armed Forces 26
Armed Forces Americas 1
Armed Forces Pacific 4
California 3,187,277
Colorado 674,957
Connecticut 70,225
Delaware 86,810
District of Columbia 40,822
Florida 2,094,007
Georgia 1,019,608
Hawaii 78,624
Idaho 178,061
Illinois 1,053,036
Indiana 631,082
Iowa 299,705
Kansas 192,064
Kentucky 288,505
Louisiana 258,675
Maine 44,286
Maryland 593,870
Massachusetts 132,418
Michigan 783,875
Minnesota 551,098
Mississippi 104,829
Missouri 513,818
Montana 83,392
Nebraska 158,594
Nevada 313,165
New Hampshire 40,938
New Jersey 754,142
New Mexico 167,533
New York 788,839
North Carolina 999,727
North Dakota 54,933
Ohio 952,626
Oklahoma 303,797
Oregon 424,069
Pennsylvania 1,063,029
Puerto Rico 4
Rhode Island 26,129
South Carolina 442,772
South Dakota 41,311
Tennessee 599,034
Texas 2,148,052
Utah 280,607
Vermont 13,843
Virgin Islands 1
Virginia 866,719
Washington 709,601
West Virginia 84,205
Wisconsin 528,350
Wyoming 46,476


Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY 56,270
Albuquerque, NM 91,910
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA 69,271
Atlanta, GA 591,539
Augusta-Aiken, GA-SC 61,176
Austin-San Marcos, TX 211,750
Bakersfield, CA 67,382
Baton Rouge, LA 47,322
Birmingham, AL 92,094
Boise City, ID 81,881
Boston-Worcester-Lawrence, MA-NH-ME-CT CMSA 127,659
Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY 105,021
Charleston-North Charleston, SC 83,695
Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC-SC 237,481
Chattanooga, TN-GA 50,359
Chicago-Gary-Kenosha, IL-IN-WI CMSA 788,209
Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH-KY-IN CMSA 201,737
Cleveland-Akron, OH CMSA 235,514
Colorado Springs, CO 115,951
Columbia, SC 67,215
Columbus, OH 157,395
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX CMSA 636,962
Dayton-Springfield, OH 92,750
Daytona Beach, FL 80,822
Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO CMSA 409,586
Des Moines, IA 74,444
Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, MI CMSA 436,049
El Paso, TX 63,366
Fayetteville, NC 48,683
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR 46,168
Fort Myers-Cape Coral, FL 76,369
Fort Pierce-Port St. Lucie, FL 53,359
Fort Wayne, IN 56,162
Fresno, CA 84,682
Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland, MI 117,743
Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High Point, NC 130,854
Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, SC 105,759
Harrisburg-Lebanon-Carlisle, PA 69,851
Honolulu, HI 56,158
Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, TX CMSA 497,275
Huntsville, AL 53,778
Indianapolis, IN 225,995
Jacksonville, FL 202,519
Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 41,764
Kansas City, MO-KS 195,777
Killeen-Temple, TX 58,461
Knoxville, TN 85,322
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 67,341
Lancaster, PA 43,302
Las Vegas, NV-AZ 256,613
Little Rock-North Little Rock, AR 66,488
Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County, CA 1,417,496
Louisville, KY-IN 104,720
Madison, WI 58,925
Melbourne-Titusville-Palm Bay, FL 78,814
Memphis, TN-AR-MS 90,569
Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL CMSA 309,168
Milwaukee-Racine, WI CMSA 174,522
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI 393,834
Mobile, AL 52,725
Modesto, CA 46,494
Nashville, TN 177,189
New Orleans, LA 85,810
New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA 1,006,101
Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News, VA-NC 231,192
Oklahoma City, OK 134,713
Omaha, NE-IA 90,042
Orlando, FL 253,023
Pensacola, FL 68,891
Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-DE-MD CMSA 578,690
Phoenix-Mesa, AZ 535,313
Pittsburgh, PA 206,873
Portland-Salem, OR-WA CMSA 302,523
Provo-Orem, UT 55,641
Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC 224,087
Reno, NV 50,628
Richmond-Petersburg, VA 107,388
Rochester, NY 88,070
Sacramento-Yolo, CA CMSA 251,534
Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT 160,432
San Antonio, TX 236,230
San Diego, CA 305,897
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA CMSA 671,417
Sarasota-Bradenton, FL 95,313
Savannah, GA 46,134
Scranton--Wilkes-Barre--Hazleton, PA 47,140
Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, WA CMSA 445,702
Spokane, WA 53,828
St. Louis, MO-IL 295,742
Stockton-Lodi, CA 65,674
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL 338,002
Toledo, OH 45,742
Tucson, AZ 116,807
Tulsa, OK 78,255
Washington-Baltimore, DC-MD-VA-WV CMSA 958,491
West Palm Beach-Boca Raton, FL 135,012
Wichita, KS 48,331
Wilmington, NC 44,081
York, PA 47,024
Youngstown-Warren, OH 44,770



Active Military 430,927
On Base Resident 15,268
VA Mortgage 20,136,630
Veteran 285,492
America's #1 Data Driven Marketing Agency